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It's the home page for Pypke's Docs

How to read these docs?

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This is a note


This includes a tip for the related purposes.


This includes a known bugs or warnings for the related purposes.


This includes a information for the related purposes.


Each category of commands has their own page which can be found on the sidebar.

Aliases: [option1|option2] means that you can use either option1 or option2.
Required: <arg> means that you need to specify the argument.
Optional: [arg] means that you can specify the argument i.e. it is optional.
Optional with default: [arg=default] means that you can specify the argument with a default value.
Many: <args> or [args] means that you can specify multiple arguments.

Additionally, the bot uses what are called converters which makes specifying roles, members, channels etc easy and fool-proof. When asked to specify a member, you can provide it a mention (pinging the person), an id, their name or their nickname. This principle works for every single command where applicable.